North Cowichan’s recreation department is conducting a Youth Services Review to better understand youth needs in the community. The review will identify gaps and opportunities in youth services, and, ultimately, inform an evidence-based approach for the planning and implementation of future youth services.

We want to hear from youth and people who provide youth supports or services to help develop future strategies aligned with the genuine needs and aspirations of North Cowichan's youth. This project is a continuation of existing strategies to address youth needs in the community, including targeted outreach programs in Crofton and Chemainus and school-based lunch hour initiatives.

During May and June 2024, we sought feedback through a survey and open house.

  • The survey is now closed. Thank you to everyone who attended the open house and provided input through the survey.
  • Up to $600 in prizes were won by eligible youth participants!

Next steps

  • Reporting will take place over the summer. Please stay tuned for updates and outcomes from the upcoming Youth Services Review Report.


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