Council has adopted the Climate Change Risk Assessment and Adaptation Strategy during the September 4, 2024 Council meeting.

North Cowichan is launching a process to make its plans, operations, and infrastructure more resilient to climate hazards. We are developing a Climate Adaptation Strategy that will help North Cowichan respond to the effects of extreme weather on our local infrastructure, natural environment, economy, and community well-being.

Extreme weather events are increasing in intensity and frequency in our region. North Cowichan has a diverse geography, including over 40 kilometers of coastline, rivers, creeks and lakes, and a mix of rural and urban lands. The first phase of this project will identify the existing risks and vulnerabilities in our boundaries, through a ‘risk and vulnerability assessment.’

This project will build off recent work completed by the Cowichan Valley Regional District. North Cowichan’s Climate Adaptation Strategy will dive into our local context and develop actions related to our municipal operations that will address local risks and identify opportunities to enhance community preparedness.

Project Updates

Thank you to all who participated in the survey and asked questions regarding the project.

  • Watch or Read: October 10, 2023 Report to Committee of the Whole and supporting documents (Presentation of engagement results as part of a 'What We Heard' report)
  • Watch or Read: January 9, 2024 Report to Committee of the Whole and supporting documents (Presentation of risk and vulnerability assessment findings)
  • Watch or Read: June 19, 2024 Report to Council and supporting documents (Presentation of draft Climate Adaptation Strategy)

The draft report outlines adaptation pathways and supporting actions in order to address findings from previous phases of work on this project. This includes public, interested party and First Nations engagement, as well as the risk and vulnerability assessment results. The draft report was referred to the Environmental Advisory Committee and Agricultural Advisory Committee for feedback.

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