A final draft of the Mountain View Cemetery Services Plan is available for the public to view, and will be discussed at the September 10, 2024 Committee of the Whole meeting.

About the draft Cemetery Services Plan

The Cemetery Services Plan for Mountain View Cemetery will help shape this cherished community space over the next 25 years. The plan suggests that, with available space for development in the current cemetery, expansion into the woodlot area can be delayed by about ten years. In response to your feedback and budget considerations, two refined expansion concepts have been prepared for Council’s review, each focusing on sustainability, quality services, and cost efficiency.

Thank you to everyone who participated in the public engagement process for the Mountain View Cemetery project.

About the cemetery

The Mountain View Cemetery is an important community asset that captures the history and unique rural community of North Cowichan. Mountain View Cemetery is a sacred space for spiritual practice, mourning, reflection, and memorialization. Situated among mature trees, and surrounded by rural residential properties, the cemetery provides striking views of Mount Prevost. The historic section of the cemetery includes interesting site features such as the original gate, site signage, and stone monuments, near the intersection of Drinkwater Road and Somenos Road.

The developed portion of the cemetery is almost at capacity. A Master Plan process has been identified for Mountain View Cemetery to guide the expansion of the existing cemetery, including other options for interment. Mountain View Cemetery currently offers a limited range of interment options. There are opportunities to expand these, potentially with scattering gardens and green burial areas. There may also be opportunities to explore different types of niches, either now and/or in the future.


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