Mountain View Cemetery Master Plan

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A final draft of the Mountain View Cemetery Services Plan is available for the public to view, and will be discussed at the September 10, 2024 Committee of the Whole meeting.

About the draft Cemetery Services Plan

The Cemetery Services Plan for Mountain View Cemetery will help shape this cherished community space over the next 25 years. The plan suggests that, with available space for development in the current cemetery, expansion into the woodlot area can be delayed by about ten years. In response to your feedback and budget considerations, two refined expansion concepts have been prepared for Council’s review, each focusing on sustainability, quality services, and cost efficiency.

Thank you to everyone who participated in the public engagement process for the Mountain View Cemetery project.

About the cemetery

The Mountain View Cemetery is an important community asset that captures the history and unique rural community of North Cowichan. Mountain View Cemetery is a sacred space for spiritual practice, mourning, reflection, and memorialization. Situated among mature trees, and surrounded by rural residential properties, the cemetery provides striking views of Mount Prevost. The historic section of the cemetery includes interesting site features such as the original gate, site signage, and stone monuments, near the intersection of Drinkwater Road and Somenos Road.

The developed portion of the cemetery is almost at capacity. A Master Plan process has been identified for Mountain View Cemetery to guide the expansion of the existing cemetery, including other options for interment. Mountain View Cemetery currently offers a limited range of interment options. There are opportunities to expand these, potentially with scattering gardens and green burial areas. There may also be opportunities to explore different types of niches, either now and/or in the future.

A final draft of the Mountain View Cemetery Services Plan is available for the public to view, and will be discussed at the September 10, 2024 Committee of the Whole meeting.

About the draft Cemetery Services Plan

The Cemetery Services Plan for Mountain View Cemetery will help shape this cherished community space over the next 25 years. The plan suggests that, with available space for development in the current cemetery, expansion into the woodlot area can be delayed by about ten years. In response to your feedback and budget considerations, two refined expansion concepts have been prepared for Council’s review, each focusing on sustainability, quality services, and cost efficiency.

Thank you to everyone who participated in the public engagement process for the Mountain View Cemetery project.

About the cemetery

The Mountain View Cemetery is an important community asset that captures the history and unique rural community of North Cowichan. Mountain View Cemetery is a sacred space for spiritual practice, mourning, reflection, and memorialization. Situated among mature trees, and surrounded by rural residential properties, the cemetery provides striking views of Mount Prevost. The historic section of the cemetery includes interesting site features such as the original gate, site signage, and stone monuments, near the intersection of Drinkwater Road and Somenos Road.

The developed portion of the cemetery is almost at capacity. A Master Plan process has been identified for Mountain View Cemetery to guide the expansion of the existing cemetery, including other options for interment. Mountain View Cemetery currently offers a limited range of interment options. There are opportunities to expand these, potentially with scattering gardens and green burial areas. There may also be opportunities to explore different types of niches, either now and/or in the future.

Have a question about the Mountain View Cemetery master plan? Ask it here.

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  • Share Why are we spending money putting water sprinklers in and watering the grass in a cemetery? then we have to spend more money and time cutting the grass and wasting valuable water resources we have water restrictions every year rivers drying up and all the gas equipment that’s not environmentally friendly and labour cost it’s not a sports field aka soccer , baseball I think North Cowichan has other priorities like housing for the living ✔️and could you tell us what the yearly budget is for this cemetery on Facebook Share Why are we spending money putting water sprinklers in and watering the grass in a cemetery? then we have to spend more money and time cutting the grass and wasting valuable water resources we have water restrictions every year rivers drying up and all the gas equipment that’s not environmentally friendly and labour cost it’s not a sports field aka soccer , baseball I think North Cowichan has other priorities like housing for the living ✔️and could you tell us what the yearly budget is for this cemetery on Twitter Share Why are we spending money putting water sprinklers in and watering the grass in a cemetery? then we have to spend more money and time cutting the grass and wasting valuable water resources we have water restrictions every year rivers drying up and all the gas equipment that’s not environmentally friendly and labour cost it’s not a sports field aka soccer , baseball I think North Cowichan has other priorities like housing for the living ✔️and could you tell us what the yearly budget is for this cemetery on Linkedin Email Why are we spending money putting water sprinklers in and watering the grass in a cemetery? then we have to spend more money and time cutting the grass and wasting valuable water resources we have water restrictions every year rivers drying up and all the gas equipment that’s not environmentally friendly and labour cost it’s not a sports field aka soccer , baseball I think North Cowichan has other priorities like housing for the living ✔️and could you tell us what the yearly budget is for this cemetery link

    Why are we spending money putting water sprinklers in and watering the grass in a cemetery? then we have to spend more money and time cutting the grass and wasting valuable water resources we have water restrictions every year rivers drying up and all the gas equipment that’s not environmentally friendly and labour cost it’s not a sports field aka soccer , baseball I think North Cowichan has other priorities like housing for the living ✔️and could you tell us what the yearly budget is for this cemetery

    Morgan asked about 2 years ago

    Cemeteries are important public spaces, and the municipality invests in irrigation at Mountain View Cemetery as it’s a place for community, healing and spirituality much like sports fields are also important for healthy communities. The cemetery also contains memorial trees that need to be irrigated to ensure their survival. The maintenance budget is $200,000/year and the revenue is $150,000.

  • Share Do you offer green burials? on Facebook Share Do you offer green burials? on Twitter Share Do you offer green burials? on Linkedin Email Do you offer green burials? link

    Do you offer green burials?

    Joanna Hibberd asked about 2 years ago

    Green burials are not offered at this time, but they are being explored as an option with this Cemetery Master Plan and expansion, and we hope to be able to offer them in the future.

  • Share Is there a possibility of having an area for Catholic graves? on Facebook Share Is there a possibility of having an area for Catholic graves? on Twitter Share Is there a possibility of having an area for Catholic graves? on Linkedin Email Is there a possibility of having an area for Catholic graves? link

    Is there a possibility of having an area for Catholic graves?

    Geri Gomola asked over 2 years ago

    No, Mountain View Cemetery is a nondenominational cemetery.

  • Share As to the last question in the survey, what do I think of the master plan: except for the large green space on the map, I am not sure what the plan includes. Is the plan already developed or will be when feed back is received? In all I am happy to hear that that lovely cemetery will be expanded. And include green burials. No need to reply. on Facebook Share As to the last question in the survey, what do I think of the master plan: except for the large green space on the map, I am not sure what the plan includes. Is the plan already developed or will be when feed back is received? In all I am happy to hear that that lovely cemetery will be expanded. And include green burials. No need to reply. on Twitter Share As to the last question in the survey, what do I think of the master plan: except for the large green space on the map, I am not sure what the plan includes. Is the plan already developed or will be when feed back is received? In all I am happy to hear that that lovely cemetery will be expanded. And include green burials. No need to reply. on Linkedin Email As to the last question in the survey, what do I think of the master plan: except for the large green space on the map, I am not sure what the plan includes. Is the plan already developed or will be when feed back is received? In all I am happy to hear that that lovely cemetery will be expanded. And include green burials. No need to reply. link

    As to the last question in the survey, what do I think of the master plan: except for the large green space on the map, I am not sure what the plan includes. Is the plan already developed or will be when feed back is received? In all I am happy to hear that that lovely cemetery will be expanded. And include green burials. No need to reply.

    Sarah asked over 2 years ago

    Thank you for taking the time to provide your input. A draft concept plan has been developed, but won't be finalized until feedback from the survey is summarized and reviewed to ensure that the expansion will meet the needs and wishes of the community. You can view the draft concept plan here (it's the 4th page titled "expansion area draft concept plan": 

  • Share Why are the current grounds so poorly maintained? It is impossible for older people to access many graves due to the unevenness of the ground. on Facebook Share Why are the current grounds so poorly maintained? It is impossible for older people to access many graves due to the unevenness of the ground. on Twitter Share Why are the current grounds so poorly maintained? It is impossible for older people to access many graves due to the unevenness of the ground. on Linkedin Email Why are the current grounds so poorly maintained? It is impossible for older people to access many graves due to the unevenness of the ground. link

    Why are the current grounds so poorly maintained? It is impossible for older people to access many graves due to the unevenness of the ground.

    Lynket asked over 2 years ago

    Thank you for your question. Graves settle overtime as caskets and materials decompose creating uneven surfaces. This is especially apparent in the old section of the cemetery. We use grave liners now to limit the amount of sinking, so the new section is not as bad. The old section also has concrete that cracks and lifts or sinks, headstones also sink and heave overtime. The cemetery is staffed only seasonally/part-time with one person there from April to October during the growing season when they are busy mowing grass. It takes two weeks to mow the cemetery, with removing all the items people leave by the graves and replacing them and when they are done they have to start all over again. When time permits, they raise the headstones and fill in the sunken areas. If Council approves an increase for future budgets perhaps more staff and equipment will be available to help this process go faster.

Page last updated: 06 Sep 2024, 04:28 PM