Automated curbside collection for garbage and organics (food and yard waste) is coming to North Cowichan in 2025. It’s time to get ready! Follow along here for the latest updates and to ask questions.

About automated curbside collection

North Cowichan is getting new waste collection trucks – and the new trucks will be equipped for automated curbside collection. This means mechanical arms will lift carts and empty them into the collection truck.

In order for the arms to work, all residents will need uniform carts – these are provided by North Cowichan and will be delivered in 2025.

Frequently asked questions:

We are posting answers to frequently asked questions. Here's some important points to note:

  • We encourage people to reuse/repurpose their old carts once new carts are in use - but for those unable to, there will be a collection day for old carts in the Spring (more info to come)
  • There are no changes to your recycling service at this time.

For more background on the automated collection program, and how we got here, visit

Key dates

  • April/May 2025 - new carts will be delivered to homes
  • June 2025 - automated curbside collection will begin


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